Sudarshan Raj Tiwari, a retired Professor of Institute of Engineering (IOE), Tribhuvan University, holds Master’s Degree in Architecture and Ph.D. in Nepalese Culture. He served as Dean of the IOE. He steered the IOE through the turbulent situation in Tribhuvan University maintaining quality of education and negotiated a large IDA credit and made a major faculty recruitment exercise. His academic work transcends the boundary of the country. He was engaged in academic activities of Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Indian Institute of Technology, Kharagpur, and Tibet University. His research interests include history, culture, urbanism, urban ecology and public policy. He has published numerous articles in national and international journals, magazines and papers on the topics of architecture, traditional architecture, built culture and history of Kathmandu Valley, and participated extensively in national and international seminars and conferences. His key publications include The Temples of Nepal Valley, The Brick and Bull, The Settlements of Ancient Nepal, Tiered Temples of Nepal, Urban Crisis (book chapter), World Heritage and Human Rights (book chapter), Authenticity in Architectural Heritage Conservation (book chapter) and A Monograph on Marfa (coauthor). He has extensive experience of donor supported projects in the areas of project planning and implementation, architecture, urban environment management, heritage management, conservation, cultural studies, education, health