Prof. Rajendra Dhoj Joshi, Phd

Chairperson, Chief Executive


Rajendra Dhoj Joshi holds Ph.D. in Electrical Engineering. He served at the Institute of Engineering for over two decades in various capacities including Professor of Electrical Engineering and the Dean. Subsequently, he joined the World Bank and worked for the education sector in Nepal, Russia, Ethiopia, Afghanistan, Bangladesh, Kazakhstan, India and Bhutan and energy sector in Nepal. He also served as the Chief Technical Advisor of UNDP assisted Micro-hydropower Development Program. He has the experience of the entire spectrum of the education sector. His key area of focus has been in enhancing the efficiency and effectiveness of education service delivery through reforms. He is associated with numerous critical reforms in the education sector, which include introduction of the full fee concept at the Institute of Engineering, decentralization in higher education, performance-based funding of schools and higher education institutions, opening textbook supply to the private sector, community-based management of education institutions, per capita financing for schools, quality assurance and accreditation of higher education institutions, poverty-targeted financial assistance for students. His key publicationsinclude “A Study of the Characteristics of the Sun-Koshi Hydropower Station.” (NCST, 1984), “Economic Viability of Micro-hydropower  Plants” (UNDP/WECS,  1994), A Micro-Hydro Reference Manual for Decision-Makers, Planners and Assessors (ICIMOD, 1996), Reforms at the Institute of Engineering, Tribhuvan University, Nepal” (World Bank, 2002), “Secondary Education in Ethiopia, Supporting Growth and Transformation” (World Bank, 2013; coauthor), “Higher Education In Nepal:  Supporting Aspirations for Prosperity” (Online 2018). He is a member of the Board of the Policy Research Institute, a think tank, established by the Government of Nepal


  • Ph.D. in Electrical Engineering